Bathing Rituals & Bath Herbs That Help Destress

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Having a great bath can be one of life’s greatest pleasures. Some of the best minds gave credit to their bathing ritual for the creatively inspired works they’ve produced. If you’re not a convert yet, I’m here to break it down for you and give you a helping hand on the journey to the perfect bath.

There are a few bath basics you should keep in mind before you add any extras like oils. Some baths can be healing while others are purely for relaxation and indulgence.

Bathing Ritual Basics

Tip #1:

If you’re like me and tend to feel light-headed when soaking in a tub of hot water, add a bit of salt to the tub to alleviate the effects.

Tip #2:

Different bathing times call for different bathwater temperatures. If you’re taking a morning bath, it should be slightly cooler than body temperature at 96.8 degrees F. An evening bath can be slightly hotter at 102-104 degrees F.

Tip #3:

Drink water or herbal tea to rehydrate when bathing.

Tip #4:

Moisturize the body immediately after or during the bath with some oil. This helps seal in moisture and keep the skin supple.

Favorite bathing items include:

Herbal Bath Blends for Every Ailment

You can mix different dried herbs in a small muslin bag and drop it in your bath depending on what you need to alleviate. Add a few teaspoons of oatmeal to every satchel to soften your skin and give extra soothing properties to the water.

Basil: to relieve mental fatigue
Comfrey: for irritated skin
Eucalyptus: for concentration
Ginger: for promoting circulation
Lavender: to promote sleep and relaxation
Lemon Peel: for lethargy; to enhance skin glow and clarity
Linden: for anxiety
Orange Peel: for anxiety and depression
Parsley: to balance pH, revitalize and stimulate skin
Peppermint: for concentration and mental fatigue
Rosemary: to refresh and revitalize
Sage: for concentration
Yarrow Root: for soothing muscles

If you're not a convert yet, I'm here to break it down for you and give you a helping hand on the journey to the perfect bath with herbs and oils. #bathherbs #bathoils #spa

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Nataliya Ogle


Nataliya Ogle likes making sure others live to their full potential. She publishes articles on her primary website and works as a freelance writer for other women's interest sites. Her physical body is in New York but her presence can almost always be found online. The internet is her first love.

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