Try This DIY Coffee Scrub For Cellulite

DIY Coffee Scrub

Cellulite affects most women (and men). Even supermodels have it. This means you are not alone. Still, the truth is, there is little you can do for cellulite. However, you can do things to minimize its appearance (cough, like with a DIY coffee scrub).

There are also ways to manage your body shape daily to reduce cellulite appearance once and for all. This is good to know if you are struggling with it and feeling bad about yourself every time you look in the mirror. Having cellulite doesn’t mean you aren’t beautiful!

Despite a more significant body acceptance movement, including loving all our stretch marks and dimples, cellulite remains public enemy number one for most women. Even if you’re in shape, have a great lifestyle, drink plenty of water and eat healthily, you can still have cellulite. 

A DIY coffee scrub is your answer. It’s easy to make and can be adjusted to fit your skin type. I should note that this isn’t a cure-all solution to reduce cellulite, but it can definitely help reduce the appearance.

The caffeine infusion from coffee scrubs is one great option to reduce cellulite. And when I say “caffeine,” I don’t mean your morning coffee. Here, I’m talking about the treatment that uses a scrub made from coffee grounds.

The premise? Coffee grounds have exceptional anti-inflammatory and antiseptic power, making them great for treating the skin on your body.

Based on what I’ve read, I’m not the only one slightly obsessed with a DIY coffee scrub that targets cellulite. After all, caffeine is a key component in many anti-cellulite treatments. Plus, rubbing coffee grounds on your body seems like a fun thing to do (it also smells good).

DIY Coffee Scrub for Cellulite

  • 1 cup ground coffee (use leftovers instead of throwing them out!)
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup almond oil
  • 5-10 drops essential oil of choice (optional)

Combine all the ingredients and store the mix in an airtight jar for use in future showers. Before you hop into the shower, try dry brushing your skin lightly. Focus on brushing toward your heart.

Then, lightly rub on the coffee scrub on areas where you’d like to reduce cellulite appearance. Use two to three times a week.

What I love most about this DIY coffee scrub is that it simplifies my routine and prevents me from having to purchase extra products. This scrub acts as body polish, exfoliator, and cellulite reducer, eliminating several steps from my skincare routine. This scrub also leaves me feeling rejuvenated and ready for whatever the day may bring. My skin also stays firmer longer because of caffeine’s ability to prevent water loss from the skin.

If you don’t think this coffee scrub can help battle your cellulite, give it a try and let me know how it works! And if you’re really not into the idea of doing it DIY, there are plenty of caffeine-based scrubs on the market.

Nataliya Ogle


Nataliya Ogle likes making sure others live to their full potential. She publishes articles on her primary website and works as a freelance writer for other women's interest sites. Her physical body is in New York but her presence can almost always be found online. The internet is her first love.

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