Be a Better Blogger: How To Write an About Me Page That Demands Attention!

How many “About Me” pages have you found memorable or exciting? Not surprising, considering a lot of people don’t know how to write an about me page effectively. For the most part, people think this is where they should talk all about themselves. Obviously, that’s what the title implies. Totally makes sense. But, you can totally be a better blogger by paying attention to your readers instead of yourself in your bio page.

Talking about yourself is great, but you need to keep in mind what things sound like to your readers and what they get out of it. This is the perfect place to introduce what your readers can expect from your website! People love hearing what they can learn from you, so use this little piece of your web space as an opportunity.

To make things easier, I have a worksheet that you can use to craft a fantastic intro for yourself and your page! Head over to the Blogging Resource Page and download your copy right now to work along with this post.

So, how do you write an about me page that gets people’s attention?

  • Think About What Your Can Offer

People LOVE knowing they can receive help with their problems! If you’ve identified your niche and you’re writing helpful articles for someone’s particular problem (i.e. you’re all about giving petite fashionistas a roundup of affordable clothes) then tell new visitors this is what you have to offer! This should be your very first point, so new visitors know what to expect from you.

  • Identify Your Audience and Help Them Identify With You

If you’ve been blogging for a while, you know by now what type of audience is attracted to your content. Make sure to let that audience know that you’re speaking to them with your content and your blog! If you’re still a little bit dubious about who you’re speaking to, do a little bit of soul searching and find your niche. At the moment, I have a guide on finding your niche in my newsletter series, but as soon as I get a little more time (this is the peril of being a one-man-show, y’know?) I’m going to share the little series in my upcoming posts

  • Give Your Website the Spotlight

This is where you spill the beans on how great your site is and everything that it highlights. Some of the things to consider including:

Your top posts

How your blog started

The reason why this blog exists

  • Now Give Them a Bit About You

Make this part fun and personable! You want to let your readers know who you are briefly and, most importantly, why you have the experience to talk about the subject you’re talking about! Place your stamp of approval and establish yourself as a credible source by talking about your experience and published work.

  • Make Sure To Include a CTA!

A CTA is a call to action- aka, it’s the place where you ask your readers to take one extra step. This could be asking your readers to sign up for your newsletter which provides them with a lot of value, or it could be asking your readers to connect with you on social media! Either way, this is the place to start connecting with your audience and building a community with them. Most people are happy to be a part of a community, especially a community that helps them in their life!

If you’re subsribed to my e-mail list, you’ll be receiving the free fillable worksheet to walk you through creating your optimal About page! Also, leave a comment below with a link to your “About Me” page so I can check it out!
Nataliya Ogle


Nataliya Ogle likes making sure others live to their full potential. She publishes articles on her primary website and works as a freelance writer for other women's interest sites. Her physical body is in New York but her presence can almost always be found online. The internet is her first love.


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